Protected: De-masculinization of Strength
This article was originally published with some comments censored. That is why it appears here with uncensored, original…
Serious Strength Training
Serious Strength Training Bompa, T.O., DI Pasquale, M., Cornacchia, L. J. 2003 Human Kinetics, P.O. Box 5076 Champaign, IL…
Fact vs. Fiction: Part I
This ‘devolution of knowledge’ is responsible for the spread…
Ham – Hammie – Hamstringer – Hamstring – Hamstrung
It is common knowledge, susceptibility to a future hamstring…
Ankle Squats
Squatting with feet inside the pelvis, i.e., ‘ankle squats’;…
Semantics and Ambiguity
researchers of injury susceptibility of the female athlete in…
A Delusion of Illusion of Control II
three aspects of exercise protocols stemming from instructions of…
2023 World Weightlifting Championships in Riyadh
The skill to lift a slow moving barbell does…