Strength Training

Essays and or commentary on strength training topics from current literature.

The Rate of Increase in Leg Strength Depending on the Tempo of Performing Squats

The Rate of Increase in Leg Strength Depending on the Tempo of Performing Squats  S. I. Lelikov, N.N. Saxanov Tiazhelaia Atletika 53 – 55:1976 Translated by Andrew Charniga, Jr. Sportivny Press© The effect of the exercise tempo on the rate of improvement of strength has been explored in many works (N.V. Zimkin, 1954, 1956, 1960;

The Rate of Increase in Leg Strength Depending on the Tempo of Performing Squats Read More »

Trenazhery I Spetsialny Uprazhneniya v Legkoi Atletike

Alabin, V.G. and Krivnosov, M.P., Trenazhery I Spetsialny Uprazhneniya v Legkoi Atletike, Fizkultury I Sport Publishers, Moscow 1982. Translated by Andrew Charniga, Jr. Sportivny Press© The book Trainers and Special Exercises in Track and Field is the creation of the following authors: Candidates of Pedagogical Science, Merited Coaches of BSSR V. G. Alabin; G.Z. Brezinsky;

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